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Shopbot has been helping Australians save money since 2004
We aim to showcase the best deals online and update our database with the latest coupons and sale details daily. Why just shop online, when you can Shopbot and save
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Yes we verify deals and coupons daily to make sure that they are valid.
No, you can simply browse the site and be connected with the best deals online, or you can sign up to our free news letter to get weekly alerts
Yes we allow retailers to submit their own deals, this has a small fee to reduce spam and we also validate each deal or coupon submitted to make sure it works.
Yes we run behind SSL and also have 3rd party measures to ensure the site is secure for our users.
Amazing, either contact us or submit your deal to the site to ensure others know about it
We focus on any product or service that can be purchased online, with every day our database is expanding with more deals.
Yes Shopbot is an Australian website helping Aussies save money online, while some deals may be from global companies, each deals is designed to be used in Australia
No, our site is free for users to find and use deals and coupons, to submit a deal or coupon we do charge a small fee to brands, this is to ensure only the best deals make it through and we do also get a commission from some sales that covers our running costs.
We write rarely, but only the best content.
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